Study Nutrition Online And Become The Ultimate Personal Trainer

Study Nutrition Online And Become The Ultimate Personal Trainer

Getting client results is more than training alone. Study nutrition online today and help get your PT clients results through custom nutrition plans

Being a Personal Trainer has got to be one of the best jobs on the planet! Having no two days that look alike, whilst helping clients to reach their health and fitness goals, AND having flexibility in your schedule has got to be the dream.

But what if we told you it could be better? What if we told you that you could charge a higher premium for your clients and increase your client base? You’d ask us how right?

Well, don’t worry, we aren’t holding our cards close to our chest. In this post, we will be outlining the simple steps it takes for you to become the ultimate Personal Trainer so that you can elevate yourself above the rest.

HOW TO: Study Nutrition and set yourself apart as a Personal Trainer

We all know that a significant contributor to our clients reaching their goals is their nutrition. Nutrition plays a key role regardless of whether the client wants to lose weight, gain weight, or gain muscle.

After completing your Certificate III and IV in Fitness, you would OLXTOTO realise that education on tailoring nutrition advice to meet your clients’ needs is not covered in either of your qualifications. Instead, general healthy eating guidelines are provided. Now, this isn’t all bad – those guidelines serve as an essential foundation for your knowledge of nutrition and the advice you can give under your scope of practice as a Personal Trainer.

However, if you’ve been working in the industry for more than a day, one of your clients has likely asked you, ‘can you write me a meal plan?’

To set yourself apart as a Personal Trainer, your answer to this question needs to be safe, within the scope of practice and insured: ‘yes!’

To set yourself apart as a Personal Trainer, you need to provide a dual service to your clients, a one-stop-shop if you like, of personalised exercise programs and personalised nutrition support.

So below, we have outlined the simple steps it will take for you to become the ultimate Personal Trainer & set yourself apart!

STEP ONE: Enrol into the 11046NAT – Certificate IV in Nutrition course

The 11046NAT – Certificate IV in Nutrition was designed just for YOU! When writing Australia’s first Nationally Recognised Certificate IV Nutrition online nutrition course, our primary ambition was to allow Personal Trainers to provide safe, qualified and insured nutrition advice for their clients.

We understand that not everyone wants to, or can, go to university to study nutrition but would but still like to practice in a safe way for their clients. However, we noticed there was a massive gap in the market, and that ‘middle ground’ for nutrition advice was not an option.

Therefore, we gathered our team of university-qualified nutritionists and dietitians. This team created an online nutrition course that held the best of the theoretical components learnt at university and added some much-needed practical elements. As a result, we created a course that ensured graduates were confident and industry-ready.

STEP TWO: Successfully graduate from the 11046NAT – Certificate IV in Nutrition course

The team at Vast Fitness Academy isis dedicated to your success, so every student is paired with an Assessor who is either a university-qualified nutritionist or an Accredited Practising Dietitian. Your Assessor has walked the path you want to walk and has the real-world experience to add to your study journey.

So make the most of it! You essentially have a personal mentor that is willing to help you during the entirety of your 12-month online nutrition course!

We also provide study guides within your student portal that will assist you in completing your online nutrition studies either within a 6-month goal or within the 12-month course time frame, depending on your commitments.

Given that the entire nutrition course is online, you can continue working as a Personal Trainer and lock in your study times when it best suits you. Upskill as a nutritionist whilst still earning an income – perfect!

STEP THREE: Register with Nutrition Council Australia & obtain Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance.

After successfully studying nutrition online and graduating from the 11046NAT – Certificate IV in Nutrition course, it’s now time to get insured.

Having the right insurance is essential for successful trading as a business, but what is the right insurance? AON insurance may provide the perfect insurance option for you.

First, however, you need to register with Nutrition Council Australia (NCA). Registering with Nutrition Council Australia will provide you with the title of Nationally Recognised Nutritionist!

When you are in the business of dealing with people’s health, there is always a chance that a client may experience an unforeseen reaction as a result of your advice. As such, Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to help protect you if something does go wrong while you’re providing professional services to your client. It includes cover against a wide range of risks like claims of professional negligence.

So when you get to this step, AON and Nutrition Council Australia have done all the heavy lifting for you and you can rest assured that you’re covered.

STEP FOUR: Tell the world – you’re now the ultimate Personal Trainer!

Take a selfie with your shiny, new nutritionist qualification, update your Instagram, Facebook and Linked in bio and send an email to your client base because you have now levelled up and are legally qualified to provide individualised nutrition advice and meal plans! Additional nutrition qualifications mean more value provided to your clients, and more value indicates a higher premium.

You can now provide a dual service, package options, one-on-one consultations, tailored meal plans, and evidence-based nutrition advice.

By completing our online nutrition course, you are now one step ahead of the competition. You are now the ultimate Personal Trainer who is equipped to leave a positive mark on the industry. Can you see it? We can.

Let’s start Step One together and enrol into the 11046NAT – Certificate IV in Nutrition.

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